Tag: Leslie Kernisan
How Patients Can Assess the Quality of Their Outpatient Care
Even before I launched my geriatric consultation practice, I found myself often poring over another doctor’s outpatient notes, trying to explain to a patient what the other doctor was doing. Not every patient had questions and concerns about what their other healthcare providers were saying, and doing, but a fair number of them did. And…
A Proposal That Just Might Solve the Primary Care Crisis: Meet the 35 Hour Work Week
In March, The Health Care Blog published a truly outstanding commentary by Jeff Goldsmith, on why practice redesign isn’t going to solve the primary care shortage. In the post, Goldsmith explains why a proposed model of high-volume primary care practice — having docs see even more patients per day, and grouping them in pods —…
Reimagining Geriatrics
A little over a year ago, I found myself burning out and realized that my work life was unsustainable. I’d been working at a Federally Qualified Health Center, and had become the site’s medical director a few months before. I was practicing as a primary care doc, trying to improve our clinical workflows, problem-solving around…
Do We Need Less Technology, or More?
As a practicing outpatient geriatrician, I generally embrace the principle that less is often more. But is this the approach we should take towards technology and the health care of older adults?